Western Culture is an important part of the world’s cultural heritage. Western nations have had their own way of life for a long time. This Culture can be seen on every surface of lifestyle. But it is true that there are various and deep truths in western which are not visible to us. Western Culture seems very easy but is actually very hard to understand actually. Also, it is very conservative and sensitive because many international issues are connected with it. But don’t worry. Our writer team is always here for you. In today’s blog, we are going to talk about the history, traditions and many more about western one. So let’s start.
Western Culture is the type of thing which is donated to the world right now. It is mainly based on the nations of western side countries around the world. Most countries of Western are English-speaking. Also, some of the nations speak French, Spanish, Portuguese and Italian. Also, western represents the individualistic Culturism around the world. They dominate the sectors like law and democracy. And some parts of western influenced the field of Philosophy and intellectual things.
There are many unknown facts about Western Culturism. Here are a few:
Western Culture is a term that refers to the countries in the Western world, including the United States, Canada, Europe, and Australia.
Eastern Culture has a combination of eastern traditions, values and other traditional things. Countries like China, Japan and India are the main countries of this. One of the main differences between Eastern and western can be defined by the fight between individualism and collectivism. Eastern always believes in collective works and benefits rather than individual ones. Also, eastern Culture has a tradition where you will find respect and values for seniors and elders. Furthermore, eastern people have always attempted to preserve their traditions and heritage. On the other hand, western always believes in change and innovation. Also, eastern cultures are much more reserved and protective than Western ones.
On the religious part, Eastern Culture has so much diversity. They have religions like Buddhism and Hinduism. But western contains the Christian community. In the end, we can say that the differences between these two cultures are visible and easy to identify.
It’s not true to say that all Westerners spread lies about Eastern Culture. Propaganda is the use of biased or false information to change the way people think or act. Propaganda is used in every Culture and region around the world. It is not unique to any one culture or region. Still, some people or groups in it might use propaganda to spread false information or negative stereotypes about Eastern Culture. Also, some organisations of eastern Culture spread propaganda about it too.
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