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Celebrities & Gossip

Jennifer Lopez: The ultimate Queen of Hollywood

“Jennifer Lopez.” a star who has been the dream of every man in her time and has become a global superstar. She is been at...


Football: A Game with emotions and glory

“Football.” Only this kind of game can touch the hearts of millions of people around the globe. Football has laughter, broken hearts, joy, and a...

Celebrities & Gossip

Angelina Jolie: A Look at her Life and Career

Angelina Jolie is a global superstar and have world wide popularity. She is an Oscar winner with multiple Grammy awards. In this blog we are...


Fun Facts About Human Body

We know that the skin is the biggest organ in the human body. You must have also heard that the average speed at which humans...

Celebrities & Gossip


The Uncomfortable Celebrity Photos Ever Taken

Celebrities make an effort to maintain a positive public image, but they are still people and occasionally don’t look as good as their publicists would...