Celebrities & Gossip
15 Celebrities That Were Murdered! You Will be Shocked 🤯
Fans of celebrities are often devastated when one of them passes away. Due to extensively publicized investigations and trials, public scrutiny is increased when murder...
Paul Rand: An icon of the Graphic Design Industry
Paul Rand a name that the graphic design industry never forgot. He is the pioneer and founding father of the Modern Graphic design industry. With...
Neri Oxman: The Graphic Design Pioneer
Neri Oxman: The Graphic Design Pioneer Neri Oxman is a true pioneer in graphic design. She’s the author of several landmark books and has been...
25 Random Things To Say To People You Want To Shock
“We say what we mean, but we don’t mean what we say.” -Oscar Wilde Random things to say are very important for any person to...